Boost Your Team's Inclusion and Productivity with Neurodiversity Training

Positive and easy to implement training in neurodivergence awareness and customer and staff inclusive practice.

Learn how to embrace and support neurodivergent people in your workplace, to create a more inclusive, cohesive and productive team

Neurodiversity awareness and customer inclusive practice

The Neurodiversity Initiative offers flexible training options in neurodivergence awareness and customer inclusive practice for businesses and organisations.

Easy to Implement response practices

Designed by professionals in the field of neurodivergence intervention, to provide simple, best practice solutions for businesses and organisations.

Partners platform and community recognition

A partners platform where businesses and organisations can showcase their commitment to neurodiversity and inclusion, and expand their community recognition and relevance.

Our Programs

Online and In-person training

Flexible training options in neurodivergence awareness and customer inclusive practice.

Awareness Training

Equip yourself and your staff with the right tools to meet the needs of your customers or colleagues who are neurodivergent.

Neuwodivergent customer being welcomed

Why gain awareness of neurodivergence when working with customers?

  • Your customers should feel welcomed

    Reduce the unconscious bias of your team: 36% of customers with a disability feel that they receive less support than those without a disability.

  • Retain business

    A person with a disability is three times more likely to bypass an business if their diversity reputation is negative, and twice as likely to discourage others.

  • The stats

    In Australia 1 in 150 people are autistic.

  • The stats
    Know how to change, 57% are unsure of what action to take to become more inclusive their diverse customers.

Why embrace Neurodivergence within your workplace?

  1. Evidence shows that diverse and inclusive teams outperform their peers by 80% in team-based assessments*

  1. People living with neurodivergence are 30% more productive than non-neurodivergent people^

  1. People living with autism are three times more likely to be unemployed than those living with a disability and eight times more than those without.

  1. Diverse teams are happier and more productive, too. In fact, neurodiversity is a competitive advantage according to Harvard Business Review.

*Deloitte Australia research; research report, Sydney 2013. ^Preliminary results: program run by the Australian Department of Human Resources).

Why train with us?

Through our training you will be able to:

  • Effectively respond to and support neurodivergent individuals in the community

  • Retain and recruit top talent, by actively recognising that workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion are good for employees and businesses.

  • Evidence-based response practices designed by professionals in the field of neurodivergence intervention.

  • Build trust and confidence with neurodivergent customers and clients.

  • Gain skills and understanding to promote best practice to ensure your neurodivergent customers, clients, and staff have positive experiences and outcomes.

You'll also be able to

  • Provide a psychologically safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for neurodivergent people and their families.

  • Build your confidence in working with individuals withneurodiverse conditions and their families.

  • Learn how to effectively identify, understand, and respond neurodivergent individuals or people living with sensory needs.

  • Expand your community recognition and relevance.

  • Access various levels of training and consulting services that can be tailored to your business and specific industry.

Hear what our community have to say . . .

Hear what our community have to say . . .

Neurodiversity Articles

Autism at Work

Autism at Work

March 04, 20242 min read

Autism at Work

In this article, Sian Phillips introduces a term divergence and the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace. Speaking to Eleanor, who identifies as being autistic, they discuss common misconceptions about people with Asperger’s and Autism and the amazing benefits of what she calls her ‘superpower’. The article goes on to describe how working together with others can bring about the best in each person and achieve more as a result.

Below is an excerpt of the article by Sian Phillips. Read the full article here:

Autism at work: why it works for SAP

Tech giant SAP is turning to those on the autistic spectrum to recruit people who think differently

Back in 2013, the technology giant SAP set an ambitious goal of hiring individuals with Autism which created incredible momentum and propelled them to the forefront as a thought leader in the space.

For José Velasco, who had worked for the global software company for about 15 years creating and implementing technology, this was a clarion call.

“I raised my hand as a volunteer and within a year I was given the opportunity to do this on a full-time basis,” says Mr Velasco, who leads the SAP Autism at Work programme in North America.

He had personal reasons for getting involved; his two adult children are on the spectrum and that experience helps him understand how difficult it can be finding employment for people with neurodivergent conditions.

For the business, there was also a talent-seeking decision to actively recruit people on the spectrum, says Mr Velasco. “We found out… that there were a lot of people on the spectrum that have an affinity with a lot of the topics that we manage in companies like SAP – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – and we found that there was a significant amount of talent out there that we had not considered in a conscious way before.”

SAP’s Autism at Work programme aimed to help the company be more creative with its solutions and services, says Mr Velasco. “If everybody thinks the same way, we’re likely to miss opportunities to bring creative solutions to the market.”

Good for business and people too

Six years on, internships and high-school mentorships have been added to the programme. SAP offers “pre-employment training opportunities” for potential employees with autism.

In the US, this training lasts six weeks and covers the basics of enterprise skills and workplace etiquette. About half of those who have completed the programme have subsequently been employed by the company, although others have gone on to work for one of SAP’s customers or partners.

Those that secure a job at SAP – and there are currently over 150 people with autism in 23 different roles across 13 countries and 28 locations at the company, from software development and customer support to HR services and global data protection – have what the organisation calls “a support circle”.

Read more of Sian Phillips article here:

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